Matt had a pretty good weekend, mine could have been better. A few of us from Hughes met at a local restaurant for an adult beverage right after work on Friday. While sitting outside on the patio having a Long Island Iced Tea, I could feel my throat start to sting. I ignored it. As I was leaving, Matt decided to meet me in Alvarado to have dinner. We had a nice dinner and discussed our plans for the weekend. By the time we got home, my throat was on fire and I could tell I was getting sick. I took a bunch of medicine and went to bed.
Matt had to work on Saturday morning so I slept in...and then slept some more. We really wanted to start the deck so I pulled myself off of the couch and got ready for company around 2:30. My Dad came over about 4 and helped us decide what we wanted to do and how we were going to do it. My Mom, Dennise, Isaiah and Audra came over about 5:30. Matt grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner and by the time we were done eating, Dad and Matt started staking out where the holes were going to go. Matt finally started digging around 8:30ish. He got three holes dug and called it a night. I was not doing so well, so I took a bunch of medicine and went to bed. Sunday morning, I was already on the couch when Matt got up. I was in and out of consciousness most of the day. Matt mowed the yard, edged and dug holes....he also came in every now and then to pour medicine down my throat and check on me. I was up enough in the evening to eat some Chinese food and take some pictures. I didn't even have enough energy to water my garden...but I did get some pictures. :)
The TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) test is this week. The 6th and 7th graders will be testing on Tuesday and Wednesday and then my 8th graders will test in Science on Thursday and History on Friday. We have taught, tutored, reviewed and beat this information into these kids. I think we can only cross our fingers now! 8th graders took the Math and Reading tests about a month ago because they must pass these to go to 9th grade. This gives them time to study and retest before the end of school. If they still do not pass they must attend summer school and then test again. As an 8th grade class they had 93% pass Math and 96% pass the Reading TAKS. We are hopeful that the Science scores will be just as high! I am still a bit drugged up and full of snot, so I am hoping that this blog makes sense. Y'all have a wonderful week!