Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Matt and I attended Tony and Tracy's wedding reception last Saturday evening at the civic center in Midlothian. We looked at getting married in the room where they had the reception but opted for Waxahachie instead. They reception was all black and white and very beautiful. We had bbq and free alcohol!...what more could you want? (Oh yes...and cake!) We had a great time! Here is a picture of us on the way! I'll leave out some of the pictures of Matt on the dance floor!
Matt and I have joined a softball league with people he works with and their families. We had our first practice on Tuesday evening. Matt and I have a few minutes to kill so we went to Hibbit's (sp?) which sells sports paraphernalia. I ran to the restroom and when I returned, Matt was holding a pair of baseball pants. They were on sale for $.47 so of course he had to buy them! Here are some pictures!
He was so happy in his $.47 baseball pants and cute as a button! We had our first game on Thursday evening in Waxahachie. I should have brought my camera but I didn't know what to expect and how well our things would be guarded. I'll make sure to get pictures next time! We had a great game and won 13 to 11. Matt and I both got hits both times at bat. My first time I got out before getting to first which forced us back into the outfield but the second time Matt and I both scored! It was really fun!
My garden is doing really well. I think I may have saved my strawberries. I have picked a lot of onions and have cut back my spinach. We haven't eaten any spinach yet but I think the next time I cut it, which will be soon, it will be very tasty! I'm still watching my broccoli and my peppers to see if they are going to produce anything or not! CORN! My newest excitement is over my corn. You can see the corn start to form. (Yes, that rhymed!) ...and of course, I have pictures!
There isn't very much going on right now besides softball and gardening. I got out of school on June 4th and started teaching summer school on June 8th. I am teaching one science class that is combined with 6th and 7th graders and one 7th grade English class. I have a really good group of kids and I am enjoying teaching such small groups! Plus, our last day is June 28th so it wont last long!
I hope everyone is well and you all have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates & pictures Dianna ~ I really enjoy them! They make me smile :)
